Learn to Fly Cast!
Whether your dream is to catch a wild mountain trout, a wary Bahamas bonefish or a giant tarpon, make sure you’ve got the skills and confidence to make the most of your fly-fishing adventures.
Rusty Chinnis is a Certified Fly Fishers International casting instructor with a patient, proven approach to teaching this beautiful sport. Beginners are welcome!
The FFI Casting Instructor Certification Program was developed in 1992 to enhance the overall level of instruction in fly casting by increasing instructor knowledge, casting proficiency, and teaching ability.
A secondary goal was to create a common understanding of casting terminology and casting mechanics that would serve the fly-casting community, internationally and in North America.
The CICP Program’s main objects are to educate and enhance the growth of fly-casting instructors by:
Establishing high and consistent standards for casting instructors.
Administering a test that fairly and consistently assesses the candidate’s knowledge of casting, teaching ability, and casting proficiency.
Conducting teaching workshops as a required part of certification.
Conducting clinics on how to teach fly casting and FFI shows, fairs, and consumer fishing demonstrations.
Developing and maintaining an instruction reference for certified instructors.
Establishing and maintaining communication networks for certified instructors.
Facilitating the exchange of ideas between instructors worldwide.

Rusty Chinnis conducts private lessons that are designed for the student’s proficiency level.
Lessons are $100 per hour for one caster. A second caster is an additional $50.00.
To book an appointment, send an email to rustychinnis@comcast.net or call 941-650-0318.
Reviews are in on Rusty Chinnis' fly-casting lessons
Jason Whitney, who took a beach fly-fishing lesson from me, emailed me this photo with the following message: “Hey, Rusty! Thanks again for the lesson. It clearly worked. Saw four coming at me. I got one to peel off and then I kept him from the herd and he finally took it. What a rush!”

If you’ve ever been curious about the art of fly casting, then I suggest spending time with Rusty Chinnis. Indeed, fly casting is the perfect blend of art and science, so having an instructor who can facilitate, streamline, and disentangle complex concepts is critical.
Few have the experience and knowledge gathered from years with students and firsthand fishing adventures with legends of the sport such as Andy Mill and Lefty Kreh. Rusty was able to rid me of bad habits that had crept into my casting, and he did it in a patient and affable way, so I recommend Rusty
without hesitation.
— Andy Grosso.
Whether you’re a fly fishing newbie or a seasoned angler looking to perfect your double-haul cast, availing yourself of the hands-on knowledge and world-class experience that professional fly casting instructor Rusty Chinnis brings to the sport will pay valuable dividends every time you take rod and fly in hand in search of your desired finny prey.
Rusty has the expertise to quickly identify the shortcomings of your cast and offer solutions tailored to your specific needs presented in his affable, friendly manner. Schedule a lesson with Rusty and take your fly fishing skills to a higher level.
— Michael Riter
Enjoy these fly-casting videos
Tarpon phenom Andy Mill demonstrates how to fight big fish like tarpon by the proper application of force.
Once you have a fish on
An advanced technique taught by a master
I learned to double haul from Lefty and use his method when I teach. In the video below you’ll learn from perhaps the best casting instructor ever. Thank you, Lefty. Your influence lives on.