Read more about the article Eyes on seagrass
Kids For Clean Water participated in the April survey with members of Suncoast Waterkeeper. - Rusty Chinnis | Sun

Eyes on seagrass

By Rusty Chinnis Kids For Clean Water participated in the April survey with members of Suncoast Waterkeeper. - Rusty Chinnis | Sun Readers of this column know the importance of…

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Read more about the article Brigadoon
Our guide, Doc, shows off a Soque River rainbow trout he netted. - Rusty Chinnis | Sun


By Rusty Chinnis Our guide, Doc, shows off a Soque River rainbow trout he netted for me. - Rusty Chinnis | Sun The legend of Brigadoon is the story of…

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Read more about the article Vote water and the future of our communities
The western shore of Perico Island, one of the area's best-flushed shorelines, has been choked with algae for the past four years. - Rusty Chinnis | Sun

Vote water and the future of our communities

By Rusty Chinnis The western shore of Perico Island, one of the area's best-flushed shorelines, has been choked with algae for the past four years. - Rusty Chinnis | Sun…

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Read more about the article Egmont, Passage keys prove enchanting
Steve Traves fights a hound fish on the fly on the Gulf side flats of Passage Key. Bean Point and Anna Maria Island are in the distance. - Rusty Chinnis | Sun

Egmont, Passage keys prove enchanting

By Rusty Chinnis Steve Traves fights a hound fish on the fly on the Gulf-side flats of Passage Key. Bean Point and Anna Maria Island are in the distance. -…

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Read more about the article Reel Time: ‘The Gulf, The Making of an American Sea’
Capt. Bryon Chamberlin makes a presentation to a school of tarpon on Passage Key, one of the country's first National Wildlife Refuges. - Rusty Chinnis | Sun

Reel Time: ‘The Gulf, The Making of an American Sea’

This article originally appeared in Reel Time in 2018. It’s republished here, with revisions, because I think the message it imparts has never been more relevant. Respect and action to…

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